Mar 13, 2012

Why people love horror movies

Saravana | 1:39 AM |
Top 5 Reasons 

5.Primal Feelings

The success of horror films like 'Paranormal Activity' and the classic 'Exorcist' has left many scientists wonder why people love the spooky genre so much. Experts have said that it's not merely an attraction to blood and gore that people money to get scared. Researchers have said that this could be because the thrill calls up primal behavior, mainly in males, to assess threat levels. "People go to horror films because they want to be frightened or they wouldn't do it twice," - Jeffrey Goldstein, a professor of social and organizational psychology in Netherlands.

4.'You want it to affect you'

 "You choose your entertainment because you want it to affect you. That's certainly true of people who go to entertainment products like horror films that have big effects. They want those effects," he added. He and other social scientists suggest we watch for different reasons, which include enjoying the adrenaline rush, being distracted from mundane life, vicariously thumbing our noses at social norms, and enjoying a voyeuristic glimpse of the horrific from a safe distance.

3.An ordeal

2. Derived emotion 

He says the complex human brain with its enormous capacity for thinking, reasoning, and just plain musing, allows us to worry in ways other animals can't. This means that fear is not merely a biological reaction, but an emotion derived from both deep-seeded evolutionary factors as well as newly learned cautions. Conversations between the brain's primitive amygdala and the more recently acquired cortex allow humans to interpret an environmental event and respond with an emotion such as fear.

1. Remains in the brain  

LeDouz said that scary movies can cash on this. "If you have a good imagination, you can connect to your hardwired fears simply by thinking about a scary situation," he added. However, until now the amygdala has the upper hand in the fear response. "This may explain why, once an emotion is aroused, it is so hard for us to turn it off," he said.


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