Oct 3, 2012

Eating Disorder in Children and Teens

Unknown | 1:59 AM | |
Eating disorder can be described as abnormal eating habits that are caused by a number of psychological, physiological and cultural factors. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating or compulsive eating are the most common types of disorder. These disorders affect man and woman, irrespective of their ages. Studies reveal that eating disorder in children and teens are also increasing. According to a clinical report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics 1% to 2% of adolescent girls suffer from bulimia nervosa, while 0.5 percent suffer from anorexia nervosa. Another study by Identification and Management of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents reveals that the number of children less than 12 years hospitalized on account of eating disorder ailments increased by 119% from the year 1999 to 2006.

Different Types of Eating Disorders
As more and more children and teens are falling prey to eating disorders, it is imperative that parents educate themselves about these disorders and help their children change their unhealthy habits.
·        Anorexia nervosa makes one think that they will gain weight if they eat food and thus stops them from taking the right amount of food. Thus these people have very less body weight. This may be a result of the modern society's infatuation to the concept of beauty, glamor and more precisely to 'thinness'.
·        Bulimia nervosa is eating in heavy quantities and then purging in order to compensate for the heavy calorie intake. A person engages themselves in rigorous exercise, laxative use or vomiting.
·        Binge eating is eating continuously to the extent of feeling uncomfortable. People with disorder may be obese or have normal body weight.
Elders and family members must be aware of the symptoms and treatment of eating disorder in children in order to combat with these disorders.

Societal and Cultural Factors influencing Children and Teens
Today children and adolescents face a lot of pressure from family and society. Our culture is obsessed with 'how to look good' and 'how to feel good'. Media plays a great role in making them worship this concept. Children and adolescents try to imitate the world of glitz and glamor. They feel that if they don't look and feel good, they will not be accepted by the society. In their attempts to look and feel good, they develop certain abnormal eating habits. Thus low self-esteem, obsession with body appearance, trauma, biological predisposition and many similar factors trigger the development of eating disorders. These are the main causes of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.

Similarly, binge eaters suffer due to low self-esteem, critical comments about their body weight and appearance, biological abnormalities particularly when the hypothalamus is unable to send the right message about appetite.  

Eating disorders may have critical consequences. Parents must consult family doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, dietitian or nutrition expert. Children and adolescents need to be aware of their disorder and try to change their eating habits. The sufferer must be monitored by his/her medical team on a regular basis. Various therapies used by psychologists really help to bring back the confidence in children and change their distorted thinking patterns.

Thus family involvement, medical and psychological support along with self-confidence do wonders for children and teens suffering from eating disorders. 
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