Jan 9, 2013

Tricks and Techniques to catch Trout

Unknown | 6:14 PM | | |

For those who’ve been doing fishing for years or those who are going to do it for the first time, one thing is for sure; if you wish to do fishing you need to be patient and an optimist.  Fishing can be really tiring and time consuming and yes you do need a bit of luck to have a nice catch. But like any other sport, little knowledge, few tricks and perseverance duly pays. 

Certainly, the practice and time spend in water is the primary thing necessary for having a good catch, but  particularly in the case of Trout, their behaviour changes depending on whether you are fishing in a stream, lake or a pond and thus techniques and some tips come into play.

Trout has a completely different behaviour compared other fish and they bite too, so in order to have a big catch you need to follow practice some precautions and also some tricks for your Trout fishing trail.

·        Using Perfect Bait: For all those anglers who are more comfortable in becoming a Bait Fisherman, you need to understand and learn types of bait first and then to know, which bait is going to work for you. A little investigation prior to fishing is necessary to choose the best bait and usually live bait like a worm is best for trout fishing. Also, you must choose the colour of bait according to the time you are fishing, for example, one should use silver coloured bait in cloudy day and gold coloured bait in a sunny day. Apart from the colour, you must also take care of its movement in the water.  

·        Use Gang Hook for Trout: After deciding the bait, next thing you need to decide is the hook on which the bait is going to be placed. Generally a ‘Gang Hook’ is best for live bait like worms. It makes a perfect worm ring and the bait looks completely natural. Gang Hook also increases the chances of catching fish in comparison with a single hook.

·        Preventing Unnatural odour:  Trout have very sensitive olfactory lobe and it can smell even slightest pong.  So the first thing you need to do before starting fishing is to keep yourself, bags and other things completely odour free. You must keep yourself clean and should never use perfume or deodorants, as even a slightest of unnatural scent can warn the trout and you may end up getting nothing. So, the trick to overcome this problem is to take a handful of local grass or some leaves from a nearby shrub and rub them lightly on your hands and clothes and thus, it would suppress the human odour.

·        Another thing, which is to be kept in mind is to keep a track of spots where you are fishing or you have tried before, as it would prevent you from trying to catch trout on the same spot again and again. Along with these things one thing that is absolutely necessary or rather compulsory if, you wish to catch a good Trout you need to get down in water and practice.

Author Bio : Christina Wirth is an experience writer and has been writing on different topics like hotel, fishing, travel, IT and more. Currently She writing for http://www.fishjumanji.com/
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