May 24, 2012

Aloe Vera Face Packs For The Perfect Skin!

Saravana | 7:27 AM | |

Aloe Vera is considered to be the best ayurvedic medicines for both health as well as skin. It is a natural home remedy for skin care. Aloe vera can be used raw or mixed with other natural ingredients to make facial packs at home. By using aloe vera you prevent your skin from sun damage, swelling and acne. If applied regularly, your skin pores open up and this brightens your complexion. For a shiny and glowing complexion, try these aloe vera face packs.

Sunburn pack: Sunburn is a common skin problem. To get rid of tanning, add aloe vera to your face pack. All you have to do is; make fresh aloe vera juice and mix it with few drops of lemon. Dab a cotton ball in the mixture and rub it gently on your face. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. This will help you get rid of suntan and also moisturises your skin. Apply this face pack after a hot sunny day!

Fairness pack- Aloe vera is the best herbal face pack that is suitable for all skin types. To get a glowing skin naturally or to maintain the fairness use aloe vera. Mix aloe vera extract with rose water and apply a thick coat over the face and around your eyes. Gentle massage for 2-3 minutes to cleanse out dead skin pores. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with a face cleanser or cold water. Use this pack once a week for best results.

Acne face pack- Aloe vera is measured as an exceptional skin cleanser. It helps you get rid of pimples and acne pores. Take a stick of aloe vera and boil it in water. Grind into a watery paste and add honey. Stir the honey until it dissolves in hot water. Apply it on your face especially on the acne or pimple pores. Let it dry (leave for around 15 minutes), and wash it gently with cold water.

Skin rashes pack- People who have a sensitive skin are prone to rashes. They should be careful with the skin products they use. It is always safe to use organic products when it is about your skin. Mix aloe vera gel, cucumber juice and yogurt into a paste. Apply this pack on your face and rinse with cold water after 10-15 minutes. It is a perfect pack for sensitive skin. Your face will not only feel fresh but will also get rid of rashes and redness naturally!

Aloe vera is a herbal face pack ingredient that can be used to cure several skin problems. How do you use aloe vera?



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